Docker Compose

For more details on the Docker Compose, please refer to the Overview of Docker Compose article.

For the next step, let's create a simple Compose file with our Angular application.

version: '3.1'

        image: 'ng-docker'
        build: '.'
            - 3000:80

Note that we have put the build parameter so that Docker builds our local image instead of pulling it from the repository. The Application runs on port 3000 and maps to port 80 inside the container.

You can now run the following command to test the container and docker compose file:

docker-compose up

The console output should be similar to the following:

Creating network "ngdocker_default" with the default driver
Creating ngdocker_app_1 ...
Creating ngdocker_app_1 ... done
Attaching to ngdocker_app_1

Once again, visit the http://localhost:3000 address and ensure the application is up and running.

As soon as you are done testing, press Ctrl+C to stop the process, and run the next command if you want to perform a cleanup operation:

docker-compose down

The Docker cleans only the containers created by our docker-compose file. Add the --rmi all parameter if you want to remove the images as well.

docker-compose down --rmi all

The console output, in this case, should be similar to the example below:

Removing ngdocker_app_1 ... done
Removing network ngdocker_default
Removing image ng-docker

You now need to publish your image to the docker hub to allow other people use your docker-compose file or build their custom containers with your Angular application image.