Abstract Classes

Interfaces describe only requirements for classes; you cannot create an instance of the interface. You need abstract classes un order to provide implementation details.

abstract class PageComponent {

    abstract renderContent(): void;

    renderHeader() {
        // ...

    renderFooter() {
        // ...

Same as with interfaces you cannot create instances of abstract classes directly, only other classes derived from an abstract one. Also, it is possible marking class methods as abstract. Abstract methods do not contain implementation, and similar to interface methods provide requirements for derived classes.

class HomePageComponent extends PageComponent {

    renderContent() {
        console.log('rendering home page');


Note how HomePageComponent implements abstract renderContent that has access to renderHeader and renderFooter methods carried out in the parent class.

You can also use access modifiers with abstract methods. The most frequent scenario is when methods need to be accessible only from within the child classes, and invisible from the outside:

For example:

abstract class PageComponent {

    protected abstract renderContent(): void;

    renderHeader() {
        // ...

    renderFooter() {
        // ...

Now HomePageComponent can make renderContent protected like shown below:

class HomePageComponent extends PageComponent {

    constructor() {

    protected renderContent() {
        console.log('rendering home page');


Any additional class that inherits (extends) HomePageComponent will still be able calling or redefining renderContent method. But if you try accessing renderContent from outside the TypeScript should raise the following error:

let homePage = new HomePageComponent();
// error TS2445: Property 'renderContent' is protected and only 
// accessible within class 'HomePageComponent' and its subclasses.

Abstract classes is a great way consolidating common functionality in a single place.