
Before ES6 developers traditionally were using Revealing Module pattern to emulate modules in JavaScript.

The basic concept of a Revealing Module is that you use closures (self-invoking functions) with an Object which encapsulates its data and behavior.

// ES5
var Module = (function() {
    var privateMethod = function() {
        // do something 
        console.log('private method called');

    return {
        x: 10,
        name: 'some name',
        publicMethod: function() {
            // do something
            console.log('public method called');


You should get the following output to browser console:

public method called
private method called

I recommend also reading an excellent article "Mastering the Module Pattern" by Todd Motto to get deep coverage of Revealing Module pattern in JavaScript.

The rise of module systems based on either AMD or CommonJS syntax has mostly replaced revealing modules and other hand-written solutions in ES5.

Exporting and Importing Values

ECMAScript 6 provides a long-needed support for exporting and importing values from/to modules without global namespace pollution.

// ES6

// module lib/logger.js
export function log (message) { console.log(message); };
export var defaultErrorMessage = 'Aw, Snap!';

//  myApp.js
import * as logger from "lib/logger";

//  anotherApp.js
import { log, defaultErrorMessage } from "lib/logger";

Here's how the same approach would look like if written with ECMAScript 5:

// ES5

// lib/logger.js
LoggerLib = {};
LoggerLib.log = function(message) { console.log(message); };
LoggerLib.defaultErrorMessage = 'Aw, Snap!';

// myApp.js
var logger = LoggerLib;

// anotherApp.js
var log = LoggerLib.log;
var defaultErrorMessage = LoggerLib.defaultErrorMessage;

Default Values

You can make your ES6 module exporting some value as default one.

// ES6

// lib/logger.js
export default (message) => console.log(message);

// app.js
import output from 'lib/logger';
output('hello world');

Wildcard Export

Another great feature of ES6 modules is support for wildcard-based export of values. That becomes handy if you are creating a composite module that re-exports values from other modules.

// ES6

// lib/complex-module.js
export * from 'lib/logger';
export * from 'lib/http';
export * from 'lib/utils';

// app.js
import { logger, httpClient, stringUtils } from 'lib/complex-module';
logger.log('hello from logger');